Bats has become an important and main predator of nocturnal insects, and known as the most important biological pest control. As a well-known predator–prey model system have long fascinated scientists and are interesting to study, where adaptations in one species lead to counter adaptations in the other (Dawkins and Krebs, 1979; Dielt and Kelly, 2002).
How to escape from this flying creature?! – Mr Insects
Bats have place a strong natural selection pressure on insects to evolve from being eaten, thus they developed two kinds of defenses. Their primary defense is, to avoid detection at the first place, and secondary defense mechanism, will be used to escape once they are detected by bats. Most insects with non-auditory organ, are vulnerable to bats, hence, are restricted to using only the primary defense. They will either adapt physically where being too small or too big sizes (Houston et al., 2014), and having cryptic shapes or texture to avoid bats (Conner, 2014), having large eyes to detect the bats (Soutar and Fullard, 2004), or adapt behaviorally, by being diurnal (Fullard and Napoleone, 2001).
Occasionally, insects will stay motionless and silent in vegetation to make themselves less detectable to bats, as this will increase the masking effects of background clutter, where non-smooth surfaces may create echoes (Claire and Holderied, 2015) thus making it impossible for bats to discriminate between both. Insects also exploited a situation where their density are higher over ripples water since bats avoided that kind of area, turbulent water may interfere with their echolocation abilities (Rydell et al., 1999).
Secondary defense mechanism come in handy, where insects can improve their chances of survival, and mainly using acoustic, where they exploit bat’s echolocation (Staudinger et al., 2012). To counter measure the predator, insects have evolved ultrasound sensitive tympanal organ that can hear ultrasonic bat calls (Conner and Corcoran, 2012). This allows them, once detected, to maneuver evasively with increasing speed out of the bats sonar beam (Miller and Surlykke, 2001), making a rapid and tight turn that will be difficult for the predator to follow. Sometimes insects display acoustic startle response (ASR) when encounter bats ultrasound by closing the wings, resulting a free fall to the ground (Fullard et al., 2008; Jacobs et al., 2008). Even some moth species can emit ultrasonic clicks of their own which will startle the bats and jam the bio sonar, forcing a bat to break off its attack (Dunning and Roeder, 1965; Corcoran et al., 2011; Conner and Corcoran, 2012), or presented themselves as unpalatable to bats by giving an aposematic warning (Dunning and Krüger, 1996).
We will try our best to hunt you. -Bats Family
Bats need to keep up with these defense mechanism, so bats too, need to improve their tactics, to make them less detectable by insects. Where insects thought it will be an advantage to camouflage around vegetation, but it can be a counter-advantage for bats, if they stay on a smooth leaf surface (Siemers et al, 2005) where such surfaces will reflect higher echo amplitude of a target on it, and bats could gain more information from these specific angles ensonification due to an acoustic mirror effect making the detection of insects much more easier. Smaller bats will use high frequencies and some fast flying bats will use lower frequencies, outside moth’s hearing range to make them less audible to most moth (Miller and Surlykke, 2001; Rydell and Arlettaz, 1994).
As a counter-strategy against the sensitive ears of insects, some bats like Barbastelle bats adapted to lower their call intensity by 20-40 dB as to avoid prey detection (Goerlitz et al, 2010). Even until the last pursuit phase, some bats will broaden their echolocation beam to keep the insect within their “sonar view” despite the evasive maneuvers (Jakobsen and Surlykke, 2010). Species like horseshoe bats emit calls continuously and shorten pulse intervals to detect and attack fluttering insects (Siemers and Ivanova, 2004).
Another interesting and sophisticated way is by eavesdropping where gleaning bats that have large pinnae may find insects just by listening passively to rustling noise (Faure and Barclay, 1994; Jones et al, 2011) or to wings fluttering (Siemers and Ivanova, 2004). When the insects advertise their sexual calls, bats seem to exploit to this and can determine their location like Myotis septentrionalis that attacks katydids on grass tips, calling for mates (ter Hofstede et al, 2008). Apparently, passive listening is a strategy for bats to overcome the masking effects that arise from the overlap between clutter and target echoes (Jacobs and Bastian, 2017).
Until when?
Because of the extraordinary global diversity of bats and insects, different species of predator and prey are likely to employ specialized pursuit and escape strategies. These findings has suggests an interesting adaptations in both bats and insects, where insects were pressured to respond appropriately to bats attacks, and bats’ counter-adaptations to prey defenses. But, until when this arm-race will be, it is remain unknown.
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