Why a research project of bats sensory around surfaces, is important to their ecology, and important for our environment too? What exactly a shiny tall building’s impacts on wildlife? Can bats cope and exploit with the increasing urbanization?
If you and your team somehow interested to work and would like to be our collaborators, we are glad to welcome you to join effort. More collaborators are better as this is a long-term, globally project.
Want to get your hand somehow and help with our project as volunteer? We would love a helping hand for our next coming project, where we will measure both polarization and ensonification on different surfaces types, in the laboratory, and also in the field. I assure you, it will be super interesting to do the awesome experimental design.
Act as a citizen science now! Even if you don’t have a formal science background, you can still contributes your time and effort and resources, by submit your data on bats injuries or mortality around you house or area. It will help public to a better and broader understanding in bat research and conservation.
Apart from that, you can support our project by donating to us too!
You can ask, and do share your suggestions, ideas, or comments via here.
Thank you.