Opto-acoustic Properties of Common Objects


A city might be defined on how much the skyscraper are, how modern and artistic all the glass buildings, and probably how fancy all the shiny surfaces and roof. But do they have positive or even worse, negative effects on the environment? How much are these common objects around us affect another well being such as animals, birds and insect?

Source: Toa Heftiba Şinca

Look fancy, but truth is, its not?

They are so many researches that have been done by ELTE Environmental Optics Laboratory’s team to investigate the effect of such surfaces on the aquatic insects. They mainly focused on the polarization effect of smooth shiny surfaces such as glass windows, black car, black gravestones, plastic sheet and oily lakes. Turns out these surfaces is not very ecological and environmental friendly as it seems.

Source: Daanton

Hence, for the first part of the project, we want to check and measure both opto and acoustic properties of all other common objects around us, using both image polarimetry for polarization and bat lure for ensonification. We will then make a RISK MAP to calculate where and how much are these objects are around.